1997│Acrylic, canvas│180×130×5cm(Set of 2) Private Collection
1997│Acrylic, canvas│180×130×5cm(Set of 2) Private Collection
I glanced at my cup of cold coffee. While I dumped the remaining coffee from the pot onto the fire and dropped the grounds on top of that, a great number of things happened one after another, in this short time. In the past when I couldn’t sleep I used to drink whiskey, but now it has to be warm milk. I heat the milk, spoon off the film, and pour it into a cup. Though I am impatient for it to cool, I also shouldn’t ruin this rare pleasure by burning my tongue. The sky turns gray and birds begin to sing. In this way I wait and wait and have continued to wait. And then?The lid lifts, and coffee and its grounds flow out of the pot. While watching the coffee on the fire, I open a can of apricots and transfer the contents to a tin plate. I pour milk in a cup, and cool it by adding a little coffee. While indulging in reminiscences, I brought the apricots to my mouth one by one. What a great many things people think about when unable to sleep, one right after another. Being this tired, you would think that my mind would put a hold on things. A mosquito buzzed by my ear. I kneel down on the ground, hold still. Speaking of which,